Student Exchange

From humble beginnings, the exchange program has developed into the largest private student exchange program in Germany. Around 2500 German and American scholarship holders have since taken part in the program. Every year, 25 German students can be sponsored and 25 American students in return. Over the years, agreements have been concluded with 20 partner universities in the USA, which regulate the student exchange on a reciprocal basis. Since 1958, the DAFC has participated financially and ideally in the student exchange of the umbrella organization (VDAC).

The German students receive a scholarship from the American partner universities, which includes a waiver of the very high tuition fees and a small contribution towards living expenses. In return, the American students nominated by the American partner universities receive a scholarship from the association for one academic year (10 months) as well as a waiver of tuition fees and a rail pass. The scholarship also includes five free seminars.

Independently of the VDAC, we support students in the new federal states who wish to study in the USA through the Marianne Cramer Scholarship (endowed by Mr. Cramer in honor of his wife).

We provide financial support for trips to Chicago by students from the Helene Lange School to promote German-American friendship.


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